Hector O. Clementealmost 2 years ago
04/12/2023 Keep the registrations rolling in! We have 359 registered as of this morning. We are more than a 3rd of the way to our 1,000 registered goal. Remember April 21, 2023 is the last day to register with the County employee discount. we are down to the last nine days of registration, let's forge ahead and get our co-workers, family members and friends registered.
Deloris O Reidalmost 2 years ago
Teamwork makes the Dream work. Come out in your numbers and participate whether you are a Walker or a Runner. Stay fit and never quit! See you there.
Hector O. Clementeabout 2 years ago
3/30/2023 9:54am We are registering at a steady pace with 214 Orange County Team members as of this morning. We have three (3) weeks left to reach our goal of 1,000 registered team members. Please talk and encourage your peers, fellow workers, team members, family members, new friends, old friends, future friends and neighbors to join us as we strive to fill the event with a sea of Orange T-Shirts.
Hector O. Clementeover 2 years ago
10/05/2022: The Orange County IOA 5K Team members are still assisting the County citizens recover from Hurricane Ian and we thank all the Emergency Operations Center and First Responders for the great work prior, during, and in the recovery phase as we get back to normal. Meanwhile, we are walking, jogging, and training to get ready for next year's IOA 5K on May 4th 2023. Keep signing up and join us for this fund-raising event to help feed those in need in Central Florida.
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